Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The effects of retail store lighting and shelf height on consumer' feeling of safety and behavior

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  • This study aims to identify the effect of different lighting conditions and shelf height in a retail store environment on emotional states, feeling of safety and behavioral intentions. Lighting and store fixture height are two retail store components that can affect consumers’ emotional states and therefore their shopping experience. This experimental research used a mixed model repeated measures analysis of a 2x2x2 within subjects design to identify the impact of shelf height, lighting color and lighting intensity. The data collection instrument for this study consisted of an online survey. The survey included questions about eight (8) different simulated retail interiors: two different height conditions (high and low), two different color temperatures (cool and warm) and two different lighting intensities (bright and dim). It was hypothesized that lower shelf heights, bright light intensity and cool light color would elicit more positive feelings and behaviors than high shelf height. Pleasure and Arousal were measured with a set of items derived from the Mehrabian & Russell model (1974) and slightly adapted by Donovan and Rossiter (1982) to fit the context of shopping environment. The sample consisted of a total of sixty one (61) students. All subjects were screened for color blindness and for prior knowledge of lighting before participation in the survey. Based on this study's findings, both lighting and shelf height influence the way people feel and behave in the retail store environment. The settings with low shelf height elicited more pleasant emotions and more approach intentions than settings with high shelf height. This contention applies to cool light and to bright intensity lighting. Cool light seems to provide more pleasantness, arousal and approachability than warm light. Bright color also has been rated more positively than dim lighting. Overall, these findings confirmed also that retail environment cues play a role in the perceived safety. Situations with dim light were rated as less safe than well lighted ones. Higher shelf has been also rated as less safe than shorter shelves in this study. People felt more confident in settings with low fixture height and light with higher color temperature. These situations proved to elicit among respondents more pleasing emotions, feeling of safety and more positive behaviors. Under dim light respondents did not notice a difference between the two shelf heights. This research provides useful knowledge about the effect of two environmental cues on psychological states of customers. A well-lighted and open space, for example, influences the emotional state of customers, and induces more positive behaviors. Consequently, these customers tend to spend more time in those settings.
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