Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Advanced Computational Modeling Methods for Floating Offshore Wind Systems

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  • Floating offshore wind energy is anticipated to become a competitive source of renewable energy by the late 2020s, but the industry must reduce costs and uncertainties associated with the technology to do so. Identifying solutions to these problems frequently relies on computational modeling, which presents technical shortcomings limiting the versatility of the modeling results. This work presents two improvements that augment existing computational tools, allowing researchers to more accurately model floating offshore wind systems and reduce uncertainty. The first study presents a custom optimization algorithm to identify the relationship between cost and reliability for floating offshore wind farms using shared anchoring. The algorithm minimizes the added costs associated with failure by optimizing the strength of anchors for a case study of a large wind farm under simulated survival load conditions. The optimization algorithm merges a genetic algorithm with elements of Bayesian optimization to account for uncertainty from the probability of failure and the resulting repair costs. The second study presents a numerical model created by modifying the OpenFAST floating wind turbine simulation software. This numerical model solves for aerodynamic loading in a real-time hybrid simulation, allowing for integration with physical wave basin experiments with proper scaling and higher fidelity than computer simulations. Validation shows that the model accurately generates aerodynamic loads efficiently enough to be used in a real-time hybrid simulation setup. The study also identifies modifications that will allow for modeling of tower top elasto-servo dynamics in future work.
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Funding Statement (additional comments about funding)
  • Research reported in this publication was supported by the United States Department of Energy under award number DE-EE0008960.
Peer Reviewed
Embargo reason
  • Ongoing Research
Embargo date range
  • 2021-06-04 to 2022-07-05



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