Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Traditional ecological knowledge of Siletz tribal members

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  • This research effort examined Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) of Siletz tribal members of the environment they live and/or lived in, and how both Western societal beliefs and land reduction to the initially established reservation location affected and altered how the area TEK has been maintained and passed down. The theory being tested was that "The knowledge gathered by Tribal members was significantly altered by the influence of Western societal beliefs and land reductions." Confederated Tribes of Siletz tribal members older than eighteen years of age were interviewed, and these interviews were analyzed. Identification of tribal members' information, experience, and corroboration with Western scientific validation was examined and illustrated the validity of juxtaposing TEK application and information with existing Western scientific methods. Tribal members' utilization of TEK showed a routinely employed system of identification as well as selective collection and natural management of resources for future replenishment based on natural ecological patterns and behaviors rather than Western scientific principles. The conclusion of this research effort was that the system of TEK has been employed in a predictable and consistent manner that operates in relation to the environment and gathering information from environmental changes, reflecting human adaptation rather than Western scientific ideology.
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