Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Using GIS to analyze the relationships between open space and property values

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  • The conservation of open space will become increasingly important as populations expand and undeveloped land is converted to urban uses. The benefits derived from open space conservation include protecting and improving water quality, providing wildlife habitat, maintaining scenic amenities and rural character, and supplying certain recreational opportunities. This study utilizes a hedonic propertypricing model to estimate the benefits to nearby property owners from public open space amenities in the Lake Tahoe Basin of California. The model is estimated using spatial data generated with regional GIS databases and ArcView/Arclnfo software. Proximity relationships are measured by area of open space within pre-defined buffers instead of traditional distance calculations. Results indicate that open space provides amenity benefits to surrounding property owners. Specifically, it was found that a marginal increase of one acre in the area of open space within a 100-500 meter buffer of a property leads to a $360 increase in its value. Open space is also evaluated by type. Only California Tahoe Conservancy-owned properties and USFS National Forest land are found to significantly influence property values. Results indicate that it is other environmental attributes, namely distance to Lake Tahoe, that play a more prominent role in determination of property values in the region. Hypothesis testing further reveals that differences among types of open space are not significant.
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