Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Race and socio-economic-status in child psychopathology

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  • The effects of race and socio-economic-status on behavior disorders in 362 black and white clinic boys between the ages of six and twelve, were investigated using the Child Behavior Check List. Precision matching and a representative distribution of socio-economic-status was used in order to adequately study both the interaction and individual of each variable. Significant race effects showed whites scoring higher than blacks on the depression and aggression scales, and blacks scoring higher than whites on the hyperactive scale. All significant interaction effects of race and socio-economic-status on the behavior problems scales reflected two patterns: white high socio-economic-status subjects scoring higher than black high socio-economic-status and black low socio-economic-status scoring higher than white low socio-economic-status. These patterns reflect more pathology in white high socio-economic status subjects on the depression, social withdrawal and aggression scale than in the matched black group, and more pathology in black low socio-economic-status subjects on the uncommunicative and hyperactive scale than in the matched white group.
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