Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Industrial engineering in America as a guide for industrial engineering education in Kore

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  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the direction of future Korean industrial engineering education and to suggest how U.S. experiences can guide Korean developments. The leading indicator concept, correlation coefficients are utilized. The following statistical relationships were developed and the following educational and practical industrial engineering trends in the U.S. are surveyed through literature: 1. Statistical relationships between Korean economy and industry during the 1961 - 1970 period and the U.S. experience during the 1948 - 1957 period. 2. Statistical relationships of IE enrollment to seven manufacturing industries in the U.S. during the 1948 - 195 7 period. 3. The trends of industrial engineering curricula in the U. S. from 1958-1959 to 1971-1972. 4. The trends of industrial engineering education and the practices in the U.S. during the 1962 - 1966 period. It is concluded that the U.S. during the 1948 - 19 57 period is a "leading indicator" for economic and industrial developments in Korea during the 1961 - 1970 period. Therefore, unless Korean developments depart radically from historical patterns, the 1962 - 1965 conditions for industrial engineering in the U. S. should suggest what logically to expect in Korea during the 1975 - 1978 period. Based on these conditions, the following suggestions should guide current industrial engineering developments in Korea: 1. Initial efforts should emphasize traditional industrial engineering subjects that are immediately applicable in Korean economy. 2. The curriculum design should make use of the experience of U. S. developments in industrial engineering education which suggest an integration of basic science with engineering subjects and inclusion of humanities and social sciences. 3. After a basic IE program has been established in Korea, more sophisticated mathematical and statistical tools can be added. Revisions must be made to keep the curriculum current. Graduate studies in industrial engineering should not be initiated until production processes in Korean industries become more complex and can benefit from advanced IE techniques. 4. A faculty development program should be implemented. 5. Plans should be developed to show industry what IE's can do and to get support of government and industry for Cooperative programs. 6. Cooperative programs should be started. 7. Staff and educational resources should be improved. 8. Develop IE technicians. 9. Methods for serving small and medium industries should be developed. Many of the obstacles facing the introduction of industrial engineering to Korea can be overcome by actions such as affiliating Korean and U. S. universities, exchanging study teams and consultants, advertising by publications and conferences what can be gained by using IE tools, acquiring IE reference materials and sponsoring IE consultations for small Korean industries.
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