Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The electrical properties of vanadium pentoxide

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  • The dc conductivity of single crystals of vanadium pentoxide was measured in the three crystallographic directions. The temperature range examined was -165°C to +25°C. The activation energy of the conduction process was isotropic and found to be .56 ev. The conductivity was anisotropic. Measurements of the Hall effect were attempted with a dc and ac apparatus, but the signal was too low to be observed. However, an upper limit of 71 cm³/coulomb for the Hall coefficient was calculated, and the upper limit computed for the mobility was .4 cm²/volt sec. A model is proposed for the conduction mechanism. It suggests that the electrical conduction is a two -step process. The electron is ionized from a V⁴⁺-oxygen-vacancy center and then moves through the lattice via polaron movement. This model accounts for the isotropy of the activation energy and also the anisotropy of the conductivity. In addition, the dielectric constant is calculated to be 25 assuming the proposed model.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi using Capture Perfect 3.0 on a Canon DR-9050C in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 5.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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