Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Calcium carbonate scaling characteristics of cooling tower water

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  • Scaling characteristics of calcium carbonate on a heated surface in cooling tower water was investigated. Bulk temperature was maintained constant at 95°F. Flow velocities and surface temperatures ranged from 3 ft/sec to 10.3 ft/sec and from 105°F to 170°F respectively. City water was used as make-up for two different water qualities: 150 ppm and 400 ppm as CaCO₃ calcium hardness. An attempt. was made to keep the calcium hardness at the prescribed level while letting other water parameters vary. There was some difficulty in maintaining constant water quality. The small variation in water quality appears to have had an important effect on the behavior of the fouling resistance with time. Brazos River Clay present as suspended solids at a concentration of 10-25 ppm significantly increased the fouling resistance. At a surface temperature of 105°F the asymptotic fouling resistance was a factor of 10 higher with suspended solids present than when no suspended solids were present. For certain surface temperature and velocity ranges, asymptotic fouling resistance and fouling rate were correlated with surface temperature according to an Arrhenius type equation. Insufficient data were taken to correlate fouling resistance with velocity, but in general at constant surface temperature the asymptotic fouling resistance decreased as flow velocity increased. The tube material appeared to have no significant effect on the asymptotic fouling resistance or the fouling rate.
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