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  • Plans for farm buildings should efficiently explaininformation about their construction. User understandingand actual use made of plans has received little study.The format used for plans should enhance their wider useand greater satisfaction by individuals concerned withconstructed buildings.This study addressed two research questions: (1) Isthere a relationship among typical formats used forportraying a farm building plan and understanding theinformation therein by typical users
  • Plans for farm buildings should efficiently explaininformation about their construction. User understandingand actual use made of plans has received little study.The format used for plans should enhance their wider useand greater satisfaction by individuals concerned withconstructed buildings.This study addressed two research questions: (1) Isthere a relationship among typical formats used forportraying a farm building plan and understanding theinformation therein by typical users, and (2) whatcomponents used in the portrayal format of farm buildingplans are preferred by typical users? A pole frame building plan was developed that usedorthographic, perspective and exploded drawings. Twentyquestions about this plan were asked a sample of 278typical users in 20 different North Dakota locations.Eight additional questions queried user preferences forplansheet color, size, extent of written explanation onuse of the finished building and use made of plans.The study determined that users of plan formatsemploying pictorial drawings (perspective and exploded)gained a better understanding of the plan than those whoused the orthographic format. Typical farmer, lender andcounty agent plan users gained a better understanding inless time than did younger students. Plan understandingand time needed for understanding a plan was unaffected bythe indicated carpenter experience or training on planningfarm buildings by users. Plan understanding was affectedby the relationship of detail size, clarity and planformat.Typical users of farm building plans preferred aminimum explanation on the plan about use of the finishedbuilding. Plansheets were preferred with blue lines onwhite 11 x 17-inch paper. The use of plans for actualconstruction was secondary to their use for planning.
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