Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Movement Patterns of Rockfishes at the Redfish Rocks Marine Reserve, Oregon

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  • The effects of Marine protected areas (MPAs) on adult fish populations depend on the degree of protection provided, which is partly a function of MPA size and the spatial extent of fish movements. The Redfish Rocks Marine Reserve (RRMR) and MPA, located on the south coast of Oregon near Port Orford, went into effect on January 1, 2012. The boundaries of the RRMR were informed by the experience of local fishermen, but without explicit knowledge of the movement patterns of individual fish. One of the intended effects of this reserve was to provide protection for Pacific rockfishes that had been targeted there by the live fish fishery. We conducted a 17- month acoustic telemetry study to document the movement patterns of 20 individuals (6-7 each) of China Rockfish (Sebastes nebulosus), Quillback Rockfish (S. maliger), and Copper Rockfish (S. caurinus) at Redfish Rocks, Oregon. Objectives were to (1) estimate residence times for individuals of each species, (2) evaluate spatial and temporal movement patterns, and (3) analyze the relationship between habitat attributes and movement patterns. Our results demonstrated that this small (6.78 km2) no-take marine reserve provides refuge for a substantial portion of the local population of these demersal residential fishes, due to those species’ high site fidelity to this patch of high relief rocky reef habitat located within the Redfish Rocks Marine Reserve.
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