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  • The Virgin Valley-McGee Mountain area is located in the northwest corner of Nevada in the northwestern part of the Basin and Range structural province. Rocks within the area consist predominantly of Miocene to Pleistocene volcanic rocks and volcanic derived sedimentary rocks. The volcanic rocks include rhyolite, rhyolite welded tuffs, and basalt. Sedimentary rocks are volcanic conglomerates, sandstones, siltstones, and mudstones with subordinate amounts of diatomite, lignite, opaline chert, and volcanic tuff. Unconsolidated deposits include Quaternary alluvium, landslide debris, and playa sediments. The entire sequence is 2200± feet thick. Rock units within the thesis area can be correlated with units of the same age throughout northeastern California, northwestern Nevada, central and southern Oregon, and western Idaho. The principal structural features within the area are the Virgin Valley syncline, Big Mountain-McGee Mountain anticline, and the tilted fault-block mountain that gives rise to the Big Mountain- McGee Mountain complex. The deformation that produced the broad, gentle folds and fault-block mountain were part of the Basin and Range orogeny. The episode of greatest faulting occurred during Pleistocene time, producing the present features of the Basin and Range structure within the thesis area and the surrounding region.
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