Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

A career education competency-based instructional model

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  • Ashlock (1975) identified career education descriptive factors as related to eight content areas of the Theory and Practicum II program at Oregon State University. Based on this research and the research literature, a Career Education Competency-Based Instructional Model was devised. By modifying the curriculum, this career education conceptual model for preservice education students was implemented through the on-campus Theory and Practicum II program at Oregon State University during the Fall 1976 quarter. The effectiveness of the instructional model was evaluated by a career education instrument. The purpose of this study was to determine if a Career Education Competency-Based Instructional Model designed for the on-campus portion of the Theory and Practicum II program in the School of Education at Oregon State University would produce a significant increase in student's conception of career education following the use of the model. The study employed an analysis of covariance (pretest-posttest) design. The following null hypothesis was tested: H0: There is no significant difference between the mean scores of the treatment and comparison groups.
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