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  • The thesis area consists of 44 square miles in southeast Harney County, Oregon. The Pueblo Mountains are located in the northwest part of the Basin and Range structural province, and are characterized by normal faults of large displacement that produced the tilted fault block mountain range. The oldest rocks exposed are mafic lava flows, and marine sedimentary rocks, which were subjected to regional metamorphism probably during Jurassic time. A thin sequence of late Oligocene to early Miocene silicic volcanic rocks, arkosic sedimentary rocks and andesite unconformably overlies the metamorphic sequence. These rocks are disconformably overlain by a thick sequence of Miocene basalt flows. Included in the basalt sequence is a unit of silicic volcanic rocks. Overlying the basalt sequence with slight angular unconformity is a sequence of tuffaceous sedimentary rocks, tsillari, and welded tuff. A fan.glomerate unit crops out in the northeast corner of the area Quaternary deposits include lacustrine, alluvial fan, and dune deposits. Major normal faulting, which began in late Miocene time, has continued into the present.
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