Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Development of a supervisor's manual for employee training in sanitary food production in the frozen fruit and vegetable industry

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  • This study describes the development and analysis of a manual for management and supervisory personnel involved with employee training programs in sanitary food production in the frozen fruit and vegetable industry. The physical aspects of the plant, microbiology of frozen foods, and employee training are discussed in relationship to the factors revolving around the sanitary production of frozen foods. Consideration of these factors was an integral part of the development of the manual which progressed in four steps: seek opinions of frozen fruit and vegetable industrial professionals, literature search, development of the manual, and analysis. A ten member expert panel comprised of five industrial personnel and five related and regulatory personnel evaluated the contents of the manual by use of a questionnaire. Panel members expressed their interest in the cleaning, sanitation, and inspection section of the manual. Responses from the panel indicated that the manual would serve as a useful industrial tool. The Student "t" test was used to determine if significant differences existed between response means of the industrial and related professional expert panel members. No significant differences were found between group members for the two major sections of the manual; the Physical Aspects of the Plant, and Training. A significant difference in response means was noted for the section, Microbiology of Frozen Foods, where industrial personnel rated the section higher than did related personnel. This indicated that industry felt it was more important to include the section than did the related professionals. The study was concluded by stating recommendations for manual revision received from panel members. Topics for future study were suggested by industry professionals. Industry professionals expressed a need for detailed information on the use and selection of cleaning and sanitizing agents, and the development of training programs for cleaning crew members.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using Capture Perfect 3.0.82 on a Canon DR-9080C in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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