Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Chloride fertilizer and soil pH effects on nitrification rate and soil solution constituents

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  • Chloride containing fertilizers are used to reduce the severity of take-all root rot of wheat in western Oregon and appear to reduce nitrification in moderately acid soils. Objectives of this study were to determine if nitrification is inhibited by the Cl ion, increasing soil solution ionic strength, or changes in pH. Soil incubation experiments were designed to measure inhibition of nitrification by Cl in soils having a pH gradient, a soil solution ionic strength gradient, or being of a different soil series. In addition to comparing nitrification rates resulting from salt amendments, soil solutions were recovered in order to evaluate differences in soil solution constituents resulting from the added salt type, amount, and background soil pH. Overall nitrification was inhibited by Cl salts compared to SO₄ salts at equal soil solution ionic strength. Cl inhibition of nitrification disappeared as soil pH approached neutral. Nitrification rate increased as pH increased. Cl salt additions resulted in higher soil solution ionic strength than SO₄ additions. Soil solution constituents changed as salt additions increased, with higher concentrations of cations in solution when higher rates of salt were added. Levels of Ca and SO₄ were high enough to suspect CaSO₄ precipitation in samples where high rates of K2SO₄ were added.
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