Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Anthocyanin degradation in freeze-dried strawberries and strawberry puree

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  • Anthocyanin degradation in freeze-dried strawberry puree was studied under various relative humidity conditions at 37°C. Moisture was found to be the determining factor in the rate of pigment degradation. Storage at relative humidities below 11% provided good pigment retention in this low-moisture product. Enzymatic degradation of the anthocyanin pigment did not occur. Pigment retention at 100% relative humidity was not improved when nitrogen was substituted for air as the storage atmosphere; however, the rate of browning was decreased with storage under nitrogen. Gel filtration on acetylated Sephadex was applied to the study of anthocyanin degradation. Whereas three separate bands were observed on the gel column, only one major component, pelargonidin 3-glucoside, was positively identified. Stannous, stannic and aluminum ions improved the color stability of strawberry puree stored at 50°C. However, the stability of the anthocyanin pigments was not improved. It was concluded, therefore, that some colored complex(es) was formed which was not extractable in the analytical procedure used. Quercetin could be the complexing agent. A purplish-black discoloration appeared in puree samples containing both ferrous and ferric ions. Quercetin could also be the complexing agent in this reaction.
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