Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

An exploratory study of women's involvement in the estate planning process in selected Oregon communities

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  • The purpose of this research was to examine whether or not women's involvement in the estate planning process is dependent upon selected demographic and situational variables. More specifically the objectives of the study were: 1) to identify the extent of women's involvement in the estate planning process, 2) to determine the extent to which involvement in the estate planning process is dependent upon selected demographic and situational variables, and 3) to identify possible target audiences for estate planning programs. A personal interview schedule was used to collect the data. Eighty women were ramdomly selected from the Corvallis 1979-80 telephone directory and were interviewed. A chi square test for independence was used to determine if there was a relationship between women's involvement in the estate planning process and selected demographic and situational variables. Fourteen hypotheses were tested at the .05 level of significance. Five null hypotheses were rejected and eight null hypotheses were retained. One hypothesis could not be statistically analyzed because of an insufficient number of observed frequencies in the cells. The statistical analyses provided data which enabled the researcher to develop a profile of a woman likely to have high involvement in the estate planning process. She would be 35 years of age or older; married to a man 35 years of age or older; her husband would be employed and they would have an annual family income of greater than $17,000.
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