Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Time allocations to job functions of school foodservice directors in Oregon

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  • The increasing costs of labor and food accompanied by limited budgets are some of the problems facing the school foodservice director. A plausible solution for cost increases is more efficient use of time. The purpose of this research is to develop a method to determine the time spent in common job functions by school foodservice directors with an outcome of providing an initial time data base for ultimate time and performance evaluations. A two part questionnaire of all sixty-eight school foodservice directors in Oregon was conducted to identify how time was allocated among job functions identified by the American School Food Service Association, 1978, and among routine office tasks. Part one: an estimation of time allocations per job functions and demographic information was requested. Part two: a time study in which the school foodservice director kept a record of activities for a five-day period. The response rate was fifty percent. Of the school foodservice directors surveyed, there were no significant differences in the estimated and actual amount of time spent in job functions for eighty percent of the sixty-one job functions surveyed. Of the twenty percent with significant differences, the majority were overestimates of time spent in job functions. Demographic variables correlating with significant differences in the estimated and actual time spent in job functions were: (1) education level, (2) number of years in the foodservice profession and (3) number of days of administrative assistance. The majority of school foodservice directors surveyed accurately plan their time to complete job functions.
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