Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Effects of coupled atomic states on the resonance scattering of radiation

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  • The excitation and decay probabilities for resonance scattering of radiation from an atom with two coupled excited states and one ground state in an external static field are calculated as a function of time and frequency. Various oscillatory behaviors are found in all the probabilities. These oscillations depend on the frequency of radiation, the external coupling and the energy difference between the excited states. For the case where one of the excited states is non-decaying, a "hole" is observed in the emission line at the frequency equal to the frequency difference between the ground state and the unperturbed non-decaying excited state. For non-degenerate excited states, the two lines in the emitted beam have unequal linewidths which depend on the energy difference between the excited states and the external coupling. For degenerate excited states, the two lines have equal linewidth which is half of the linewidth of the decaying state. For two decaying excited states, one of the two Lines in the scattered beam is suppressed and the other is enhanced by the external coupling. For this case crossing and anticrossing signals are calculated in the total intensity of the scattered beam. These signals are computed for the 2²P state in Li⁷ as a function of an external magnetic field.
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