Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Fire history in three vegetation types on the eastern side of the Oregon Cascades

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  • Historic fire return intervals in three different vegetation types dominated by ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Laws.) were determined using fire scarred trees. Dendrochronological techniques were used to achieve accuracy in dating fire scars on samples collected from six 40 acre plots established in each site. Mean fire return intervals (MFRI) differed for site and plots within each site; Pringle Butte site showed the shortest MFRI of 4 years with an average of 11 years for individual plots, Cabin Lake site had a 7 year MFRI and a 24 year MFRI for plots, while Lookout Mountain site had a MFRI of 8 years and 16 years for plots. The overall average for plots incorporates all of the data for the site but uses a 40 acre plot mean to determine length of time required for fire to return to the same location, giving a more accurate indication of MFRI in a given stand. The plot mean may be the most useful way of expressing the data. Basal area and understory vegetation were found to be useful for predicting MFRI. Tree-ring chronologies from the three sites were examined to determine their suitability for climatic interpretation. Statistics show low mean sensitivities, high serial correlations and low variance for all trees and cores, suggesting that chronologies are of limited use for climatic analysis. However, climatic information was found. Growth patterns in sites show similar years for drought and high precipitation. Long-term trends were not evident at Cabin Lake or Lookout Mountain. Pringle Butte provided the chronology most useful for estimating climatic history, with 3 long periods of slow growth, 1900-1980, 1710-1790, and 1590-1640.
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