Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The problems of the married college student and possible approaches to their solution

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  • The purposes of this investigation are twofold: (1) to identify the functions necessary for an adequate student personnel program in the area of the college married student and (2) to develop recommendations based on the programs studied. Securing and Treating of Data The data for this study were obtained by using a questionnaire which was sent to each of the 48 land grant colleges in the continental United States. Forty-four of the colleges returned the completed questionnaire. The data consisted of the number of colleges having or desiring to have more involvement with the married student population on their campuses. The second phase of the research dealt with an experimental project conducted on the Oregon State University campus relative to married student involvement in a program aimed at their desires and needs. Findings The answers on the questionnaire show much agreement on these points: recognition of the married student should be centered in the student personnel services; need for additional research into this area of the college situation; more is being done to provide physical facilities for married students; more of the student personnel services are being made available to the married student; additional psychological services are needed particularly in the area of marriage counseling. Less agreement was found in the areas of financing of the services to be offered. This one area provided many alternative possibilities but there was a definite lack of consistency in the solutions proposed. The experimental program gave the opportunity to observe in action an approach to married student involvement with programming geared exclusively to their needs. A tentative set of recommendations for student personnel services in the area of married student programming was determined from the identified functions necessary for an adequate student personnel program for married students. From this set of recommendations and consideration of the programs developed in the experimental project a constructive, progressive approach to the married student was devised. Recommendations The following recommendations for practice were drawn by the writer: 1. Provisions should be made, if possible, for both the husband and wife to continue their education without undue financial strain. There should be made available for aspiring husband-wife teams, a family financial plan whereby educational costs are reduced, or given a longer period to finance. 2. When simultaneous educational programs are planned by a married couple, and when finances are such that jobs are required, consideration should be given to family planning. 3. Marriage counseling services should be provided for married student families on college and university campuses. 4. Married student families should be made aware of available services offered by the university, such as health services. 5. Provisions should be made to establish a married student organization and committee structure developed to help coordinate a married student program. 6. A survey of married students on campus should be completed in order to obtain their interests and to locate individuals who could be used as leaders of married student programs. 7. Necessary funds should be allocated and a professional student personnel worker appointed to direct a separate activity program. Married students should be encouraged to participate in activities that cannot be arranged as separate programs such as concerts, plays, exhibitions and other cultural events. 8. The married student activity program should be initiated with social activities, primarily in married housing units, and should be as inexpensive as possible. 9. Programs developed should be geared to incorporate both members of the couple, thereby giving the couple a mutual interest. 10. The student personnel worker who directs such a program should involve as many of the married students as possible in the planning and executing of the functions. The younger students, undergraduates and student wives seem to be a rich source of potential workers. 11. An attempt should be made to encourage the married student to move from a strictly social program to one that can give them the learning experiences they will need when they graduate and enter the community. 12. Provision should be made to allow the wife of the student to go outside of the confines of her home to release day to day tensions of the home and family. A center of this nature provides this means of escape.
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