Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Effect of temperature on MOE and MOR of structural panels

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  • Oriented strand board is a panel product used in structural applications in home construction much like plywood, yet little is known of the effect of temperature and moisture content on its performance. The objective of this study is to study these effects on oriented strand board and for comparative purposes on plywood. Commercial panels of two types of oriented strand board (OSB) were studied, one bonded with pheno formaldehyde and the other with isocyanate, yet having been manufactured on the same production line. The comparative panels of commercial plywood were made of Douglas-fir and of sheathing grade. The study parameters included five levels of temperature (35, 72, 100, 150, and 200°F) and two levels of moisture content (0 and 7%, oven-dry basis). The number of test replications was five for each parameter. Samples measuring 3 x 14 inches were tested in three point bending to determine the effect of the study parameters on their modulus of rupture (strength) and modulus of elasticity (stiffness). The data were analyzed statistically considering a two-factor experiment with a completely randomized design having five replications. The conclusions for the range of the study parameters were that when the panels were oven-dry (0% moisture content), there was no statistically significant correlation of either modulus of rupture (NOR) or modulus of elasticity (MOE) with change in temperature. However, when the panels were tested at 7% moisture content there was a significant decrease in both MOR and MOE with an increase in temperature. For example, in going from a temperature of 72 to 200°F there was an approximate decrease in NOR of 30% for both the plywood and the isocyanate bonded OSB, and 40% for the phenolic bonded OSB and a decrease in MOE of 20% for plywood, and 30% for the isocyanate bonded OSB, and 35% for the phenolic bonded OSB.
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