Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Inter-test Comparison of Three Preschool Language Tests : SICD, PLS, a d PPVT R

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  • Thirty preschoolers were tested for language skills using the Preschool Language Scale (PLS), Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised (PPVT-R) Form L, and Sequenced Inventory of Communication Development (SICD). Each child's age scores on one test were compared to his/her scores on the other two tests. As a group, the children achieved consistently higher age scores on the PLS than on the PPVT-R, and in turn, higher age scores on the PPVT-R than on the SICD. In terms of age scores, the widest intertest difference was between the receptive subtests of the PLS and SICD, with a mean difference score of 13 months. A paired t-test applied to the within-subject difference scores was significant for every inter-test comparison. Correlation coefficients were not high enough to warrant prediction of an individual child's actual scores on one test from his scores on another test. In the author's opinion, the tendency of one test to produce higher scores than another should be kept in mind during test selection and interpretation. Analysis of age scores showed that this group of children achieved slightly better scores on the expressive portion of the SICD than on the receptive portion of the SICD. However, the children achieved slightly better scores on the receptive half of the PLS than on the expressive half of the PLS. Other studies involving inter-test comparisons are cited in the literature review. Many studies report correlation coefficients but do not include measures of central tendency. It is important that both kinds of data be reported in future studies.
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