Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The use of resonant transfer for combined switching and multiplexing

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  • This paper presents a study of the resonant transfer of energy between filters with the viewpoint of applying this technique to communication systems. A summary of the existing filter designs for this application is made. This summary shows that a requirement common to all these filters is that the impulse response be zero at the sampling interval. It is further shown that this impulse response requirement in turn dictates that the resonant transfer filter have a 3-dB loss at one-half the sampling frequency. A practical procedure for designing filters meeting this "impulse response zero" criterion is given. The major contribution of this paper is a design method for resonant transfer filters which allows the attenuation at half the sampling frequency to be much greater than 3 dB. The method makes use of the resonant transfer transmission function T(jw). The objective is to make IT(jw)I approximate unity in the desired passband and zero otherwise. Measured results are given for a 3-coil Iowpass filter designed by this method. Its 3-dB point is at 3.4 kHz and its attenuation at half the sampling frequency (4 kHz) is 25 dB.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using Capture Perfect 3.0.82 on a Canon DR-9080C in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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