Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Growth, survival, and antibiotic resistance transfer of Klebsiella in a botanical environment

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  • The ubiquitous presence of the coliform bacterium Klebsiella in botanical environments has been demonstrated. In this study, Klebsiella were found to multiply and colonize growing radish plants following contamination of seeds. All 29 cultures of Klebsiella tested from 5 different environments were capable of growth to 10⁶-10⁷ cells/gram of plant within 1 week after seed germination. A difference was noted in the survival abilities of the cultures which correlates with their environmental origin. Analysis of covariance showed the survival ability was Klebsiella from vegetables>mastitis>human medical, water and pulp mill isolates. Average densities for all Klebsiella groups at plant harvest (5 weeks) ranged from 10³-10⁵/gram of radish plant. In order to monitor antibiotic resistance transfer, twenty Klebsiella recipients, resistant to nalidixic acid to allow for selection, and 9 potential donors were inoculated separately at low cell densities (10³/gram) onto radish seeds. Laboratory experiments with the same mating pairs in penassay broth were performed for comparison. Transfer of antibiotic resistance was detected with 12 of 21 donor-recipient pairs in penassay broth and 5 of 21 pairs on germinated radish plants. Resistance to streptomycin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol, neomycin, and kanamycin was transferred. In most cases transfer of at least two antibiotic markers was observed. Average transconjugants/ recipient ranged from 10⁻¹ to 10⁻⁶ in penassay broth and from 10⁻⁴ to 10⁻⁶ on radishes. Although antibiotic resistance transfer frequencies under environmental conditions are lower than in penassay broth, transfer does occur with Klebsiella at cell densities more likely to occur in nature.
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