Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Comparison of shared and traditional pharmacy services in a small hospital

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  • A 24 bed community hospital was the setting where a comparison of shared and traditional pharmacy services took place. This study also provides a model for implementation of shared pharmacy services for health care professionals faced with improving the quality of patient care and controlling costs. Curry General Hospital and Medical Services, consisting of a 24 acute care bed, non-profit community hospital in Gold Beach and a clinic in Port Orford and Brookings, was chosen as the site of the pilot Shared Pharmacy Services project. It is representative of the small hospitals of the southern Oregon coast and is geographically further removed from the referral center, Bay Area Hospital in Coos Bay. The Shared Pharmacy Services program decreased capital investments, decreased operating expenses and increased revenue totaling approximately $22, 650. This savings can be broken down as follows: (1) group purchasing, $3750; (2) decreased inventory, $10, 000; and (3) increased revenue, $8900. Other areas of decreased operating expenses were also found but specific measurements could not be determined within the time frame of this study. These include: (1) drug and poison information and (2) pharmacy and therapeutic project, formulary development. The third area of financial concern was finding ways to better utilize existing monies in the hospital budget. The Pharmacy Inservice Education project produced an 8. 5 -fold increase in the hospital's inservice dollar purchasing power. The cost of a shared regional pharmacist would be approximately $20, 000 including the benefit package available at Bay Area Hospital. The personnel costs of one pharmacy technician including the benefit package would be approximately $10, 000. It is anticipated that one pharmacist and one pharmacy technician would be needed to begin implementation of the Shared Pharmacy Services program. to the other three hospitals. At a later date the services of another pharmacist may be needed. The maximum personnel cost of two pharmacists and one technician would be approximately $50, 000. Similar financial benefits can be obtained by the other small hospitals in Bandon, Coquille and Reedsport through implementation of the Shared Pharmacy Services program. Decreased operating expenses and increased revenue amounting to $50, 600 could be expected if the program were to be implemented by all four hospitals in the South Coast Area. Additionally, a reduction in capital investment of approximately $40, 000 could be realized which would increase the hospital's return on investment. Each hospital will present some different problems, but they all are operated in the same basic manner as Curry General Hospital. The hospital personnel have similar backgrounds and educational experience. It is important to provide latest technology and knowledge available which can best be done by sharing the expense when resources are limited. Shared Pharmacy Services program utilizing a shared regional pharmacist for Curry General Hospital and Medical Services has been shown to be both financially and clinically beneficial.
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