Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Una Perspectiva Etnica de la Sociedad Americana

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  • The existence of the ethnic "barrios" (ghettos) across American society is proof of the legacy of racism, injustice and inequality in society today. In this thesis, the human experiences of Native, African, Mexican, and Asian people, are presented to contradict the notion that the "American Dream" is for all. In other words, their experiences manifest their exclusion from the "American Dream." Our experiences are undeniably influenced by the structure of society. The structure of our society is influenced by its "mainstream" ideologies. Ideologies are formed, nurtured, and instilled through pedagogy. Due to the biased education of our society, we are neglected a true vision of our society and our humanity. This blindness prevents us from identifying the roots of the societal problems that exist today and consequently, the same societal injustices will continue to perpetuate themselves. These injustices have been in existence since the beginning of European colonization of the Americas. The racial ideologies behind the European colonization of the United States supported false notions of superiority, notions of rights and privileges. These notions have justified the conquest, domination, segregation, and exploitation of people that always have been characterized as subordinate and inferior and thus never been totally inducted into mainstream society. This undeniable fact demonstrates that the legacy of racism, injustice and inequality is still existent in today's society.
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