Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Discrete modeling of flow systems

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  • This study develops a general discrete flow model which is discrete both in time and space. A stirred tank network model (continuous time compartment model) is summarized and then compared with the discrete flow model. Both models make use of a fractional input matrix with elements representing the fraction of flow into the jth region which originates in the ith region. It is shown that the discrete flow model is more general and computatiomally much simpler than the stirred tank network model. The fractional input matrix is used to find the sizes of the regions, to predict the residence time distribution (RTD) of the fluid in flow systems, and to compute the conversion for chemical reaction occurring in a flow system. Direct methods for finding the fractional input matrix from either steady state or transient data are developed, and methods and problems of fitting the model to data are presented. Two simple numerical examples are given to demonstrate the use of the model. Lumping is important for modeling flow systems with very many regions, thus a lumping analysis for discrete flow systems is presented. The methods for obtaining the sizes of the regions and the fractional input matrix provide an important tool to analyze the lumping problems in flow systems.
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