Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

An illustrated key to the ferns of Oregon

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  • The purpose of the work is to enable students of botany to identify accurately Oregon ferns, both as living plants and as dried specimens. Therefore, it provides vegetative keys to the families, genera and species of the ferns (Class FILICINAE) found in Oregon. Correct names have been determined using the latest available information and in accordance with 1961 edition of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature. The synonomy, a description, and original drawings of each species and subspecific taxon are included. An illustrated glossary and a technical glossary have been prepared to explain and clarify the descriptive terms used. There is also a bibliography of the literature used in the preparation of the paper. The class FILICINAE is represented in Oregon by 4 families, 20 genera, 45 or 46 species, 4 of which are represented by more than one subspecies or variety. One species, Botrychium pumicola Coville, is endemic. The taxa are distributed as follows: OPHIO-GLOSSACEAE, 2 genera: Botrychium, 7 species, 1 represented by 2 subspecies, 1 by 2 varieties; Ophioglossum, 1 species. POLYPODIACEAE, 15 genera: Woodsia, 2 species; Cystopteris, 1 species; Dryopteris, 6 species; Polystichum, 5 species, 1 represented by 2 distinct varieties; Athyrium, 2 species; Asplenium, 2 species; Struthiopteris, 1 species; Woodwardia, 1 species; Pitrogramma, 1 species; Pellaea, 4 species; Cheilanthes, 3 or 4 species; Cryptogramma, 1 species; Adiantum, 2 species; Pteridium, 1 species; Polypodium, 2 species, 1 represented by 2 varieties. MARSILEACEAE, 2 genera, Marsilea and Pilularia, each with 1 species. SALVINIACEAE, 1 genus, Azolla, 1 species.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi using ScandAll PRO 1.8.1 on a Fi-6770A in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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