Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Thermal and seismic analysis of piping systems using classical methods

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  • "Piping Design and Engineering" first published in 1963 by Grinnell, Co. is widely used by engineers to perform approximate thermal stress analysis of high-temperature piping systems. The text consists of numerical constants to calculate end reactions and maximum bending stresses in a variety of piping configurations from known properties of pipes such as outside diameter and moment of inertia, material properties such as Modulus of Elasticity and Coefficient of Linear Expansion and specific properties of the configurations such as aspect ratio (length/height) and temperature differential. The results obtained by using formulae from the text are close to the ones obtained by the use of finite element computer programs. However, the text has some limitations. It lacks theoretical bases from which the numerical constants were derived. Thus, the text cannot be used to analyze piping configurations with aspect ratios outside the range listed in the text. The text also limits itself to piping configurations without intermediate restraints. The following thesis investigates three most common configurations, viz., L, U, and Z, and determines theoretical basis and general equations which yield numerical constants identical to the ones given in the above text. It also describes how similar methods can be used to analyze piping systems with intermediate restraints. A numerical check of data thus derived along with the methods and the data to analyze deadweight and seismic stresses in the piping configurations is also included.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using Capture Perfect 3.0 on a Canon DR-9050C in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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