Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Alum coagulation in conjunction with the activated sludge treatment of corn processing waste water

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  • The treatment of waste water from a corn freezing process by activated sludge with the aid of alum coagulation was investigated. Both high and low energy level systems were observed with good flocculation occurring at the low energy level. Because poor flocculation occurs at high energy level conditions, alum was added to aid in floe formation. The effects of alum on the treatment system and the biological treatability of the waste were studied. The treatability of the waste, with respect to the reduction of Biochemical Oxygen Demand, Total Solids, and Volatile Solids, was related to alum dosage, detention time, and solids content in the aerator. Detention times of 24, 16, 10, and 6 hours with alum dosages of 0, 50, 100, and 200 milligrams per day per liter of aerator volume were used. The following conclusions were reached. 1. The waste water investigated may be biologically treated to reduce the organic content by an activated sludge system. 2. The addition of alum to the aeration system produces an effluent low in organic content with a shorter detention time than that required without the use of alum. 3. The removal of total solids and volatile solids follow trends similar to the removal of BOD with the solids reduction being less efficient. 4. The reduction rates for the total solids and the volatile solids are essentially the same for similar aerator conditions. 5. Under the conditions of this investigation the maximum reduction rate for the BOD was approximately 1.7 mg BOD reduced/mg MLVS/day.
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