Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Model based estimation of parameters of spatial populations from probability samples

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  • Many ecological populations can be interpreted as response surfaces; the spatial patterns of the population vary in response to changes in the spatial patterns of environmental explanatory variables. Collection of a probability sample from the population provides unbiased estimates of the population parameters using design based estimation. When information is available for the environmental explanatory variables, model based procedures are available that provide more precise estimates of population parameters in some cases. In practice, not all of these environmental explanatory variables will be known. When the spatial coordinates of the population units are available, a spatial model can be used as a surrogate for the unknown, spatially patterned explanatory variables. Design based and model based procedures will be compared for estimating parameters of the population of Acid Neutralizing Capacity (ANC) of lakes in the Adirondack Mountains in New York. Results from the analysis of this population will be used to elucidate some general principles for model based estimation of parameters of spatial populations. Results indicate that using model based estimates of population parameters provide more precise estimates than design based estimates in some cases. In addition, including spatial information as a surrogate for spatially patterned missing covariates improves the precision of the estimates in some cases, the degree to which depends upon the model chosen to represent the spatial pattern. When the probability sample is selected from the spatial population is a stratified sample, differences in stratum variances need to be accounted for when residual spatial covariance estimation is desired for the entire population. This can be accomplished by scaling residuals by their estimated stratum standard deviation functions, and calculating the residual covariance using these scaled residuals. Results here demonstrate that the form of scaling influences the estimated strength of the residual correlation and the estimated correlation range.
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