Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Service assessment matrix

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  • The United States is becoming a service oriented nation. As increasing amounts of the gross national product are spent on services, it becomes vitally important to ensure the productivity of these services. The purpose of this thesis is to identify which elements are needed in a service department productivity measurement tool, what techniques are currently being used, and then to develop a new improved technique. The result Is a Service Assessment Matrix -- SAM. SAM is a combination of two matrices. The primary matrix is used by a service department to evaluate internal productivity and service quality using a multiple criteria approach. It summarizes data and produces a productivity indicator and a quality indicator. Because all of the key information needed for analysis is on this matrix, it represents the total evaluation system and provides the name -- SAM. The second matrix is the Quality Assessment Matrix (QAM). As a subset of the Service Assessment Matrix, the QAM's format collects information about clients' perceptions of the quality of service. It is a source document for the primary matrix and is used by the clients. The Service Assessment Matrix uses five methods of evaluation: comparison of criteria analysis, pattern analysis, written analysis, productivity and quality indicator value analysis, and trend analysis. SAM was tested in the service departments of two large corporations: Electro Scientific Industries (ESI) in Portland, Oregon and Evanite Fiber Corporation in Corvallls Oregon. The results were very encouraging. Both service departments were able to identify critical problem areas in their respective departments. But, more important was the development of a communication system which allowed the clients of the services to get involved and to feel comfortable enough to make critical comments about the services being provided. The developmental work has been finished. The technique was tested and found successful. But the Service Assessment Matrix can be refined. Two studies could cause major revisions to the current SAM format. One is a study to determine if SAM is cost effective. The second study is to find a method which would allow the SAMs from several departments to be combined. Only utilization will identify more strengths and weaknesses of the Service Assessment Matrix.
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