Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

An analysis of vocational exploratory behavior as a function of internal vs. external control and selected structural variables

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  • The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship of internality and structural variables such as sex, socio-economic status, and academic achievement to the extensiveness and effectiveness of vocational exploratory behavior during college. The sample utilized in this study consisted of 108 male and female seniors who were in their fourth year of attendance at Oregon State University since entering in Fall 1976. Subjects were administered a Survey of Career Experiences and the Rotter Internal-External Control Scale. A subscale (Personal Efficacy), consisting of nine items from Rotter's I-E scale was also used as a measure of internality. The data were analyzed using the stepwise multiple regression model. Multiple correlation coefficients were examined to determine whether a significant relationship existed between internality, sex, socio-economic status, and academic achievement and the extensiveness and effectiveness of vocational exploratory experiences. Analysis of variance was also employed for comparisons between sex and academic majors. The . 05 level of confidence was chosen for all statistical analyses. Based on the results of the study the following null hypotheses were retained: 1) There is no significant relationship between extensiveness of vocational exploratory behavior and internality, sex, socio-economic status, and academic achievement 2) There is no significant relationship between effectiveness of vocational exploratory behavior and internality, sex, socio-economic status, and academic achievement. Theoretical implications of the findings were discussed in conjunction with methodological weaknesses and limitations. It was recommended that replication of this study involve the development of a measure of internality compatible with vocational exploratory behavior.
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