Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The role of a Filipino American student association at a predominantly white institution : a critical ethnography

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  • The purpose of this study is to examine the role of a Filipino American college student organization at a Predominantly White Institution, and uncover elements of the organization that influence or limit the development of critical consciousness of its members. This study focuses on the aspect of critical consciousness that shapes “indepth understanding of the world” and is told from the student perspective. The focus of this study is on the importance of understanding the impact of social conditions on Filipina/o Americans in the United States from a historical-materialist perspective, the importance of higher education in addressing the social conditions of Filipina/o Americans, and the importance of student organizations in the development of critical consciousness as a central strategy in addressing the social conditions of Filipina/o Americans. The qualitative research design includes the method of critical ethnography to tell the story of the role of a Filipino student organization through its members and provides an interpretation of how the members are influenced or limited in developing their own critical consciousness. The two research questions that guide the study are: 1) what is the role of a Filipino American Student Association at a Predominantly White Institution? and 2) what elements of the Filipino American Student Association influence or limit the development of critical consciousness of its members? The data analysis reveals four major clusters of themes that students give significance to and include: 1) the role of the Filipino American Student Association; 2) the Filipino American Student Association programs and activities; 3) Meaning students give to critical consciousness; and 4) the impact the Filipino American Student Association has on student identity and consciousness. The critical ethnography includes unstructured in- depth interviews with four student leaders, and participation in the programs and activities of the student organization over eight months in the field. This study is a portrait of the role of the student organization, and an interpretation of the students’ experiences in developing their critical consciousness. The site for the study is a mid-size, urban Predominantly White Institution located in Portland, OR. The study concludes with a discussion of the interpretation of student experiences within the organization, implications for student affairs practitioners, and the role of the institution in supporting and enhancing student development and leadership training opportunities toward creating more socially just programs for students of color.
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