Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The theory and application of galvanovoltammetry. Design, construction and evaluation of a continuous liquid stream analyzer employing a galvanovoltammetric detector and low cost automatic digital concentration readout

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  • The theory and ways of applying a new electroanalytical detectior method were developed. The method, called galvanovoltammetry, consists of the measurement of current from the bipolar electrode of a three electrode cell which consists of a working electrode and a counter electrode, between which a constant current is applied, and a bipolar electrode which forms a galvanic cell with the working electrode. The theory was developed by interpreting i -V plots for the three electrodes of a flow cell, which could be used as a galvanovoltammetry cell. An equivalent model circuit for a galvanovoltammetry cell was proposed and used in discussions pertaining to the theory of cell operation. The effects which various cell and sample parameters have on the operation of a galvanovoltammetry cell were investigated and the results utilized to discuss how parameter values are chosen for any particular application. The galvanovoltammetry method was then specifically applied to the continuous analysis of a liquid stream for chlorine. A low cost electronic instrument to automate the application, but which may also, with certain modifications, be used with other electroanalytical detectors, was designed and constructed with emphasis on the use of recently developed integrated circuits. Evaluation, over a period of time, of the complete automatic continuous analyzer, consisting of the galvanovoltammetric detector flow cell, a constant head type of flow system and the electronic readout instrument, indicated an overall system accuracy and precision of about 1 1/2%. Advantages of the galvanovoltammetry method are continuous operation capability, possibility of relatively simple instrumentation, convenient readout and reasonable response time. Disadvantages of the method are dependence on sample flow rate and temperature.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using ScandAll PRO 1.8.1 on a Fi-6670 in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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