Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Economic analysis of the public forest resources of Lane County, Oregon by major drainages

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  • The objectives of this study are to reveal the present condition of the public forest resource of Lane County and to estimate its potential to support an expanding wood-using industry. The study was supported by the Bohemia Lumber Company of Lane County as the initial part of an analysis of the total wood-using industry of the county. Expansion of this industry has been based largely upon forecasts of increasing markets for wood products. Prior to this little attention has been given to the ability of the forest resource to support and maintain an expanding forest industry. Lane County is divided into four major drainages based upon U. S. Forest Service working circle boundaries. These are the McKenzie, Willamette, Cottage Grove, and Siuslaw. The Forest Service is the largest single administrator of the forest resource in the area. Data for this study were obtained by compiling inventory data presently available through public agencies. As a matter of expediency, the public forest resources are classified by agency in each drainage. The agency ownerships are then compiled for the county as a whole. There are approximately 1, 486, 655 acres of the public forest land classified for timber production supporting about 51 billion board feet. Presently, about 886 million board feet are cut annually from public forest land. This cut supports almost 50 percent of the 1.9 billion board feet capacity of the wood-using industry within the county. The remaining 50 percent of the material needed to reach this potential capacity would have to come from private forest resource and resources outside of the county. The expansion of the wood-using industry of Lane County appears favorable based upon the large contribution from this public forest resource.
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