Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Soil arthropods in the Central Cascades : slash burning effects and biology of some species

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  • Despite the recognized role of soil arthropod fauna on nutrient cycling and decomposition processes, many aspects of the effects of sylvicultural methods in forest ecosystems upon their biology remain poorly understood. The long term effects of prescribed fires on soil arthropods in forest ecosystems in the Pacific Northwest have never been studied. Soil samples were taken from three sites located in the Willamette National Forest in 1992: paired sites that were either clear-cut without burning and clear-cut with burning 40 years ago. One hundred and eight samples were processed; the arthropods were separated, identified and counted. To study the biology and behavior of some arthropods, eight species of oribatid mites were reared in laboratory conditions. Their life cycle, feeding behavior and reproduction were studied. Results indicated that there were no statistical significant treatment differences either in terms of total numbers of organisms or biomass. However, the majority of the commonest taxa did show offsetting treatment responses. A total of 204 taxa were found in the three sites. The most important groups included Collembola, mites, and insects. Other groups also represented, but in smaller numbers, were spiders, symphylans, pseudoscorpions, and centipedes. Of all these groups, oribatid mites was the best represented and appears to be a useful indicator of disturbances.
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