Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The influence of pre-harvest killing of western hemlock on subsequent stump invasion by Fomes annosus

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  • This study concerns the effect of pre-harvest killing of commercial sized, forty year old western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.) on subsequent stump infection by Fomes annosus (Fr.) Karst. Further evaluations were made on tree drying, loosening of bark, wood deterioration and rate of crown and cambial death. Findings on the susceptibility of injection axe cuts to Fomes annosus are included. Two herbicides MSMA and Tordon 101 were applied during four seasons; incubation periods of six, nine and twelve months were allowed to lapse between treatment and felling. Epidemiology of Fomes annosus in commercial thinnings of western hemlock was subject to deliberate prophylactic treatment by pre-harvest killing of trees with MSMA. At the same time the trees dried faster, and bark was more easily removed. Wood deterioration and breakage increased, but at levels tolerable to pulp operations. The degree of stump infection reduction, drying and bark removal was directly related to the amount of cambial kill by the herbicide. Tordon produced variable results, with stump infection sometimes exceeding that of the control. Furthermore, Tordon injection axe cuts were found to be highly susceptible to Fomes annosus infection. The behavior of Fomes annosus is thought to be responsive to cambial condition. The two herbicides produced different cambial responses, hence different responses of the pathogen.
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