Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The relationship of career aspirations and influencing factors to the satisfaction of choosing secondary school vocational programs

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  • Purpose of the Study The purpose of this study was to: (1) develop a model for predicting high school students' occupational choice satisfaction by measuring the impact of vocational education programs on career decisions, and (2) to examine the validity and the efficiency of the model by testing it on different samples. Procedures This study utilized eight variables which represented students' in-school characteristics. These categories included expectations, aspirations and influential factors pertinent to a model on occupational choice satisfaction. The population was made up of 417 vocational students enrolled in various vocational education programs in a metropolitan high school district. The path analysis using multiple regression. was used to determine which variables in combination with others were most predictable in choice satisfaction. Findings The students' choice satisfaction, the primary criterion variable, was found to be predictable with variables relating to influential factors and expectations. Career aspiration played a minor role. However, the aspiration variable such as GPA became important in the causal model when females and males were considered as separate groups. The most predictable variable in the model was vocational maturity. Recommendations This study should be replicated using a post-secondary school sample. Thus, a comparison can be made concerning high school and post-secondary students' occupational choice satisfaction. In view of the findings, it is also recommended that this study be replicated with another sample from a different school district or community. In this way, the validity of the model can be evaluated and substantiated.
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