Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Agronomic performance of six winter wheat dwarfing sources when crossed to isogenic lines for Norin 10 Rht loci

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  • Six genetically diverse dwarfing sources of winter wheat were compared to four isogenic lines for the height reducing genes Rht₁ and Rht₂. Parents and generations through the F₃ including backcrosses to the respective parents were analyzed. Seedling response to gibberellic acid and tests for allelism for plant height were employed to determine possible relationships to Rht₁ and Rht₂. The agronomic value and optimum height levels for selection of grain yield and the yield components were determined. Based on the gibberellin test and segregation patterns for plant height all six dwarfing sources had at least one allele located at the Norin 10 Rht loci. One source, 1523/Druchamp, carried both Rht₁ and Rht₂. Other dwarfing sources carried either Rht₁ or Rht₂ coupled with modifying genes including perhaps those for daylength insensitivity. Tom Thumb carries the Rht₃, which is allelic to Rht₁, while the Tibet Dwarf has a partially dominant genetic factor conditioning strong dwarfism allelic or closely linked to Rht₂. A dosage effect for seedling insensitivity to gibberellic acid was observed when both Rht₁ and Rht₂ were present. The highest yielding parental dwarfing sources excelled in kernel weight and yield per spike. Isogenic lines and the dwarf 1523/Druchamp obtain their grain yield through increased tiller number. These parental sources also contributed these attributes to their progeny in the F₂ and backcross populations. Harvest index was found to be associated with grain yield only when an adequate total biological yield was achieved on a per plant basis.
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