Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Designing a strand orientation pattern for improved shear properties of oriented strand board

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  • As oriented strand board (OSB) increases in use as an engineered wood product, improving the in-plane shear properties will allow more efficient use of the material as well as open up other opportunities for OSB to be used in engineered wood products with high shear stresses. Based on classical laminated plate theory, composite laminates with ±45° laminate alignment patterns produce higher in-plane shear modulus and strength when compared to typical 0°/90°/0° laminate alignment. This research consisted of manufacturing 13.3 mm thick OSB with 0°/+45°/-45°/45°/+45°/0° and 0°/90°/0° alignment patterns and comparing the in-plane shear, bending, nail connection, and small-scale shear wall properties with typical commercial OSB. The results showed an increase of 24% in measured average shear modulus for 0°/+45°/-45°/-45°/+45°/0° alignment when compared to 0°/90°/0° alignment using a method similar to the ASTM D2719-Method C in-plane shear test. The results show a 10% reduction in measured bending modulus of elasticity in the parallel direction. The small-scale shear wall tests were insensitive to changes in in-plane shear properties. The nail connection tests showed no reduction in yield load of the connection, implying that ±45° panels can be used in similar applications as 0°/90°/0° OSB without adversely affecting the connection properties.
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