Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Improving the nutritional and textural properties of dairy products by feeding Holstein cows processed flaxseed

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  • There is growing public concern about the high proportion of saturated fatty acids in milk fat; however, feed intake, energy partitioning toward milk synthesis, and milk fat concentrations can decrease when cows are fed high concentrations of unsaturated lipids. The objective of this study was to identify the optimal rate for feeding OmegaBoostTM (a flaxseed supplement that was processed using a proprietary technique by Double Pass LLC, Tualatin, OR) to dairy cows. The central hypothesis was that supplementation with OmegaBoost will decrease the proportion of saturated fatty acids in milk fat in a dose dependent manner. Using a latin-square design, 10 Holstein cows in mid to late lactation were fed for two-week periods 0, 2, 4, or 6 lbs/d of OmegaBoost or 4lbs/d ground flax as top dressing to their total mixed ration. Feed intake, body weight, activity and resting time, milk production and milk composition were measured daily. At the end of each two-week period, milk and serum samples were taken and analyzed for fatty acid composition using gas chromatography. In addition, fresh Mozzarella cheese and butter was manufactured and tested to determine the fatty acid composition and the effects of flaxseed supplementation on texture. Feeding OmegaBoost at 2, 4, and 6 lbs/d linearly decreased the proportion of saturated fatty acids in milk by 6, 15, and 18%, respectively, and linearly increased the proportion of mono-unsaturated fatty acids (14, 32, and 35%), poly-unsaturated fatty acids (16, 49, and 82%), and α-linolenic acid (26, 52, and 70%). Similar changes in fatty acid composition were observed in butter and cheese samples, resulting in butter that was less hard and adhesive at refrigeration temperature in response to feeding cows increasing concentrations of OmegaBoost. Feed intake, body weight, serum metabolite concentrations, milk production and composition, and butter and cheese yield were not significantly affected by feeding processed flaxseed. Therefore, feeding 4 or 6 lbs/d of OmegaBoost to dairy cows is effective in improving the nutritional and textural profile of dairy products without negatively affecting feed intake, milk production, or weight gain.
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