Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Advanced numerical modeling of the Lorentz mixing process

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  • There are numerous techniques for improving the mixing of fuel and oxidant species. However, many of these methods cannot be applied to combustion systems due to material limitations. A means of mixing the reacting species without physically invading the flow stream is therefore desired. In this work, induced electromagnetic forces known as Lorentz forces are considered as a means of enhancing the combustion of co-flowing reactant streams. To evaluate the effect of various parameters on the mixing process, a non-dimensional description is derived and used to develop a numerical model. Numerical experiments are performed based on a three level Box-Behnken design in which the dimensionless Lorentz force parameter, Reynolds number, and Euler number are varied. The Lorentz force parameter has a large effect on the mixing process. The Reynolds number has a minor effect on mixing, and the Euler number has a negligible effect. Confirmation of these results through experimental work is needed. Approaches that could be used to verify these results experimentally are outlined, and the construction and testing of a burner suitable for further experiments on Lorentz mixing is described.
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