Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Cinematographic analysis of technique in the women's 100 meter hurdles

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  • A cinematographic analysis of hurdling technique was completed using six high school women in the 100 meter hurdle event as subjects. The study was descriptive in design, intending to make objective comparisons of selected elements of the hurdling action. Sixteen hypotheses were developed and tested, in an effort to describe relationships between variables of the hurdling action. Five correlation coefficients were significant at the .05 level, four of which confirmed relationships reported in the literature. The data presented in this study confirmed two relationships which were not in agreement with relationships expressed in the literature. Lack of significance between leg length and take-off distance was contradictory to the relationship of those two variables as reported in the literature. The significant, negative correlation coefficient obtained between the smallest trunk to thigh angle of the subject, and the vertical distance which center of gravity was above the hurdle at clearance, was also in disagreement with the literature. Close examination of the data revealed that timing the execution of movements based upon mechanical principles is as critical as the employment of those principles. The complex and interrelated nature of elements of the hurdling action, made evident through cinematographic techniques, points toward future study in the area of manipulation of variables, and the effects of those manipulations on the performance of the hurdler.
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