Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Location of prune dwarf and prunus necrotic ringspot viruses in sweet cherry pollen and fruit

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  • The location of prune dwarf virus (PDV) and Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV) in pollen and seed from infected and healthy sweet cherry trees pollinated with infected pollen was investigated. Virus-like particles were observed in the cytoplasm of pollen grains from PDV-infected cherry trees using transmission electron microscopy. No particles were observed in pollen from trees infected with PNRSV or from noninfected trees. Polystyrene spheres conjugated to PDV antiserum densely coated the exterior of pollen from PDV-infected trees. Polystyrene spheres conjugated to PNRSV antiserum coated pollen from PNRSV-infected trees less densely. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used to determine the distribution of the viruses in fruit and pollen tissues. PDV was detected in higher concentration in the seed than in the mesocarp in immature fruit from PDV-infected trees. At fruit maturity, PDV was uniformly distributed throughout the fruit. PNRSV was detected in higher concentration in the mesocarp than in the seed of immature fruit from PNRSV-infected trees, but at fruit maturity it had decreased substantially in the mesocarp as compared with the seed. Both viruses were detected in all parts of fruit from infected trees pollinated with pollen from healthy trees. Both viruses were detected in the embryo and endosperm tissues, but not in the mesocarp of fruits from caged healthy trees pollinated with infected pollen and in infected fruits of healthy orchard trees pollinated with pollen from infected trees. Steadily decreasing levels of antigen were detected in the buffer from successive washings of pollen from PDV-infected trees. A low level of antigen was detected only in the buffer from the first wash of pollen from PNRSV-infected trees. High antigen levels were recorded for pollen samples that had been washed and then ground in buffer, even when they had been treated before grinding with antiserum to bind all available antigenic sites.
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