Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The effects of a training program on wait-time and the questions asked by junior high school science teachers in Thailand

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  • The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of a training program designed to assist Thai junior high school science teachers in asking a larger number of higher cognitive level questions, extending wait-time following a question, and decreasing the amount of teacher talk during classroom instruction. Sixty-two junior high school science teachers in Bangkok were randomly assigned to one of two equivalent groups (experimental and control). The teachers taped two 50-minute lesson sessions, one set each for pretest and posttest. The researcher transcribed and categorized the teacher questions on the tapes, using Blosser's Question Category System for Science. Wait-time and length of teacher talk in each class session were measured with a stopwatch. Only the experimental group participated in the training program. The training program utilized an instructional pamphlet based on Blosser's (1973) Handbook of Effective Questioning Techniques. A discussion of wait-time was included. Teachers in the experimental group were asked to read and discuss question strategies, learn to categorize and use a variety of cognitive questions, and analyze their own questions and wait-time behavior. One-way analysis of covariance was used to analyze data. Data from tapes made prior to the study served as the covariates. The conclusion drawn from the study was that the training program was effective in training teachers to decrease the number of cognitive-memory questions and increase the number of divergent thinking and evaluative thinking questions they asked, extending teacher wait-time, and reducing the amount of teacher talk during instruction in the science class. No significant change occurred in the number of convergent thinking questions or the total number of all cognitive-level questions asked by the teachers.
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