Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

State of weathering of some upland soils in the Alsea Basin, Oregon

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  • Mineralogical analysis of 3 upland soil profiles over Tyee parent rock from the Alsea Basin Area, Oregon showed clear differences among the 4 soil series represented. Soils from the area of higher precipitation (over 80 inches, approximately) had no montmorillonite, lower base saturation and cation exchange capacity, but no lower or only slightly lower amounts of weatherable minerals than soils from the area of lower precipitation. Only the profiles in the lower precipitation area had significant ped coatings of oriented clay. Shallow, yellowish soils, in both precipitation zones were much fresher mineralogically than the corresponding deep, red soils. The most strongly weathered profiles had contents of weatherable minerals too high for Latosols or Oxisols. The change with depth in the red soils suggested that these soils had not formed entirely from rock in place. Fragments of clay skins in the red soils suggested that these soils had developed, with mixing, from older soils. Pyroclastic materials and local mixing are believed responsible for the higher contents of weatherable minerals in the surface horizons of the profiles. The soils were classified in the 1938 Yearbook system as well as in the Seventh Approximation.
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