Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The effect of alpha phase morphology on the impact energy of commercial purity titanium

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  • Samples of commercial purity titanium were heat treated above the beta transformation temperature and within the two phase alpha-beta phase field, followed by cooling at varying rates. Testing of the samples in tension and by instrumented impact indicated that some strengthening could be imparted by these heat treatments, although at a substantial loss in ductility, in some instances. It was found that all of the heat treatment/cooling rate combinations tended to increase the percentage tear energy of the total impact energy. Sevenfold increases in total impact toughness values were observed in some of the samples exhibiting an acicular type microstructure, when the test temperature was increased from 20°C to 100°C. The samples cooled from the two phase region displayed a significantly greater amount of work hardening than that of the annealed material. There was no apparent microstructural reason for this increased work hardening rate.
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