Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

A study of mathematical skills needed for entry-level employment in a cluster of electricity-electronics occupations

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  • The purpose of this research was to determine if differences existed in mathematical skills needed for entry-level employment in selected electricity-electronics occupations in Oregon. The four primary objectives of the study were to: 1. Identify mathematical skills from task analyses of key electricity-electronics occupations. 2. Validate the identified mathematical skills. 3. Test the null hypothesis that there are no significant differences among responses of industrial workers and instructors. 4. Construct an inventory of validated mathematical skills ranked according to importance. A review committee identified mathematical skills required for performance of tasks in the occupations of electronic assembler, electrician, appliance serviceman, radio and T. V. repairman, and electronics technician. A mail-survey questionnaire was developed utilizing the identified mathematical skills and administered to the six groups of randomly selected respondents. The study's population utilized 13 businesses and industries and the total number (30) of secondary schools in Oregon offering approved Electricity-Electronics cluster programs. The sample for the study consisted of 10 instructors and 10 industrial workers from each of the five key occupations, or a total of 60 respondents. Analysis of the data revealed that there were significant differences among the six groups in all but 14 of the 54 skill items. Of those skills which were studied, a greater number of them were needed for entry-level employment in the key occupations of radio and T. V. repairman, electronic technician, and electrician than there were for assembler and appliance serviceman. Selected recommendations include the following: 1. The findings of this study pertaining to mathematical skills needed for entry-level employment should be considered in future revisions of the Electricity-Electronics Cluster Guide. 2. The findings of this study should be utilized in developing instructional material concerning mathematical skills as taught by the cluster instructor or by other instructors through an interdisciplinary approach. 3. In-service activities conducted for cluster teachers should be designed to provide the range of mathematical skills needed for entry-level employment in the key occupations. 4. The range of mathematical skills needed for entry-level employment in the key occupations should become the core of minimum mathematical skills in the preparation of prospective electricity-electronics cluster teachers.
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